Key Insights from QuEra’s 2024 Survey Report
The field of quantum computing is rapidly evolving, captivating the attention of academics, industries, governments, and enthusiasts worldwide. QuEra Computing’s July 2024 survey report offers a comprehensive analysis of the current and future state of quantum computing.
National Quantum Programs
The survey assessed the positioning of various countries in the global quantum computing industry. While over 52% of respondents globally believe their country is well-positioned, the sentiment varies significantly across nations. For example, 82% of US respondents believe their country is well-positioned, compared to only 44% of German respondents.
Source of Quantum Computers
The survey also explored the importance of the origin of quantum computers for organizations. A significant majority (over 80%) of respondents believe the source of the quantum computer is important. While procuring quantum computers from friendly trade partners is preferred, a notable portion of respondents prioritize computers developed within their own country.
Pace of Development
Over 50% of respondents indicated that the pace of development in quantum computing is faster than they expected a few years ago. This sentiment was particularly strong among respondents from non-quantum companies and enthusiasts.
Technical Challenges in Quantum Computing
The survey identified scalability and error correction as the most significant technical challenges facing the field of quantum computing. While both issues are acknowledged as critical, the emphasis varies between different stakeholder groups. For instance, quantum vendors prioritize scalability, while end-users prioritize error correction.
Investment in Quantum Computing
The primary drivers for investment in quantum computing are the exploration of future opportunities and preparing for future applications. Additionally, competitive edge is a significant driver for both end-users and quantum-centric companies.
Concerns about Cloud Resources
Given the current challenges in accessing cloud GPU resources, the survey explored concerns regarding the availability of cloud-based quantum computing resources. A significant majority (64.5%) expressed concern about securing sufficient quantum computer time on the cloud in the future.
Ethical Considerations
The survey also explored ethical considerations surrounding quantum computing. A large majority of respondents are more excited about the potential of quantum computing for good than concerned about its potential for harm. Key ethical priorities identified include privacy and security, equity in access, and environmental impact.

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